Wednesday, December 12, 2007


From way earlier in the semester, one of the first PDA databases we covered in the PDA course was Tarascon. Tarascon is not my first choice when it comes to selecting a database to use, but it is a good option to use. One advantage Tarscon has is that it also comes in a print form, so people who do not like to use PDAs can quickly look up information in the print form. It is a little booklet that can easily fit into a pocket. I have never actually used it, so I cannot say whether it is convenient to use, but for people who do not like electronic resources, it probably would be a very appealing alternative. As for the information that is found on Tarascon, it is very similar to information found elsewhere as well. The PDA version has the standard drug interactions checker, the usual drug monographs, and it also has a section for herbal and alternative drug information. The price for a one year subscription is right around $30, so it is very competitive (and lower than many) with other databases and may be a good buy for interested buyers.

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